“Joining SPAC Alliance makes perfect sense in the approach we want to implement, which is to offer 4D security that takes into account both the physical and logical aspects of security. ”.
Christel Thienpont
General Manager France, BE Protection
Can you present your Activity to us?
BE Protection is a consulting firm specialized in security. Our main activities include security consulting and support throughout all stages of a security project, or for specific stages. We cover everything from site audits and developing security strategies based on risk analysis, to project management, designing tailored solutions, assisting with tendering, and overseeing construction.
We have a comprehensive approach to security that integrates electronic, architectural, organizational, logical, and other relevant measures.
What are your challenges in your field of expertise?
Our first challenge is convincing clients that risk analysis is the foundation of an effective and tailored security solution.
A security study enables us to provide solutions that are adapted and proportionate to each business, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution for securing a company or site.
Risk analysis, which we consider fundamental, establishes a suitable and proportionate security strategy, prevents unjustified questioning, and ensures that necessary investments are allocated wisely. It addresses the two essential questions of any security project: what do I want to protect and against what?
With a comprehensive vision, we avoid critical situations such as a fortified door left open.
The second challenge in our field is providing what I like to call 4D security. Until a few years ago, security was mostly considered in two dimensions — on a floor plan. However, with advancements like drones, a third dimension has become significant. The fourth dimension is virtual, where we must also master the logical aspect of security.
Physical and logical security are interdependent. Often, prioritizing one over the other results in a completely ineffective outcome.
But these developments are what make our profession fascinating!
Why join SPAC Alliance?
Joining SPAC Alliance aligns with our approach of offering 4D security advice, which considers both physical and logical aspects of security.
Moreover, membership in SPAC Alliance allows us to engage in enriching exchanges with other members. Sharing our expertise and perspectives, participating in alliance workgroups, and exchanging views and experiences with other domain experts are highly valuable to us.
Why promote a protocol like SSCP®?
Developing European sovereignty in security is crucial, especially given current events.
In the face of growing global threats, no single country can act alone to ensure its citizens’ security. By developing European sovereignty in security, member states can collaborate more closely to protect their borders, critical, essential, or important infrastructures as per the European directives NIS2 and CER.
How do we defend European technological sovereignty with the highest security levels?
SSCP® is the communication standard that can meet the security requirements of all national security agencies within EU countries and various regulatory texts.
Furthermore, the SSCP® protocol aims to standardize security solutions across different organizations within Europe.
By harmonizing these parameters, we reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen a comprehensive and uniform security posture.
Another critical point, SSCP® enables interoperability among security systems due to its openness and scalability for integration across all security equipment and IoT.
This enables EU countries to work together seamlessly, effectively share information, and coordinate actions in case of incidents.
A collective approach enhances our ability to address cyber threats and particularly the proliferation of hybrid attacks.
In conclusion, European security sovereignty and system interoperability are essential pillars to protect our societies in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.
The importance of certifications (and/or standardization) in the security market?
If we aim to achieve objectives such as those outlined in the European directives NIS2 and CER, certifications and standards are indispensable. Achieving a common level of security requires starting from common references, ensuring coherence and essential effectiveness.
In summary, certifications and market standardization are now essential for establishing a cyber-secure ecosystem.